AbstractTopicReports |
CopyCallable |
This task copies topic-word counts from a global array to a local
thread-specific array.
DMRCallable |
A parallel Dirichlet-multinomial regression topic model runnable task.
DMRInferencer |
DMROptimizable |
DMRTopicModel |
HierarchicalLDA |
HierarchicalPAM |
Hierarchical PAM, where each node in the DAG has a distribution over all topics on the
next level and one additional "node-specific" topic.
JSONTopicReports |
LabeledLDA |
LDAHyper |
LDAStream |
MarginalProbEstimator |
An implementation of topic model marginal probability estimators
presented in Wallach et al., "Evaluation Methods for Topic Models", ICML (2009)
MergeCallable |
This task copies topic-word counts from a global array to a local
thread-specific array.
MultinomialHMM |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
NonNegativeMatrixFactorization |
NPTopicModel |
A non-parametric topic model that uses the "minimal path" assumption
to reduce bookkeeping.
Four Level Pachinko Allocation with MLE learning,
based on Andrew's Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
ParallelTopicModel |
Simple parallel threaded implementation of LDA,
following Newman, Asuncion, Smyth and Welling, Distributed Algorithms for Topic Models
JMLR (2009), with SparseLDA sampling scheme and data structure from
Yao, Mimno and McCallum, Efficient Methods for Topic Model Inference on Streaming Document Collections, KDD (2009).
PolylingualTopicModel |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation for loosely parallel corpora in arbitrary languages
RTopicModel |
A wrapper for a topic model to be used from the R statistical package through rJava.
SimpleLDA |
A simple implementation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation using Gibbs sampling.
TopicalNGrams |
Like Latent Dirichlet Allocation, but with integrated phrase discovery.
TopicAssignment |
This class combines a sequence of observed features
with a sequence of hidden "labels".
TopicInferencer |
TopicModelDiagnostics |
WeightedTopicModel |
WordEmbeddingCallable |
WordEmbeddings |
WorkerCallable |
A parallel topic model callable task.
WorkerRunnable |
A parallel topic model runnable task.