Uses of Package
Packages that use cc.mallet.topics Package Description cc.mallet.classify Classes for training and classifying -
Classes in cc.mallet.topics used by cc.mallet.classify Class Description ParallelTopicModel Simple parallel threaded implementation of LDA, following Newman, Asuncion, Smyth and Welling, Distributed Algorithms for Topic Models JMLR (2009), with SparseLDA sampling scheme and data structure from Yao, Mimno and McCallum, Efficient Methods for Topic Model Inference on Streaming Document Collections, KDD (2009). -
Classes in cc.mallet.topics used by cc.mallet.topics Class Description AbstractTopicReports DMRInferencer DMRTopicModel HierarchicalLDA LabeledLDA LabeledLDALDAHyper Deprecated.Use ParallelTopicModel instead, which uses substantially faster data structures even for non-parallel operation.LDAHyper.Topication Deprecated.MarginalProbEstimator An implementation of topic model marginal probability estimators presented in Wallach et al., "Evaluation Methods for Topic Models", ICML (2009)ParallelTopicModel Simple parallel threaded implementation of LDA, following Newman, Asuncion, Smyth and Welling, Distributed Algorithms for Topic Models JMLR (2009), with SparseLDA sampling scheme and data structure from Yao, Mimno and McCallum, Efficient Methods for Topic Model Inference on Streaming Document Collections, KDD (2009).PolylingualTopicModel Latent Dirichlet Allocation for loosely parallel corpora in arbitrary languagesPolylingualTopicModel.TopicAssignment TopicAssignment This class combines a sequence of observed features with a sequence of hidden "labels".TopicInferencer TopicModelDiagnostics TopicModelDiagnostics.TopicScores TopicReports WordEmbeddings WorkerCallable A parallel topic model callable task.