Uses of Class
Packages that use TransducerEvaluator Package Description cc.mallet.fst Transducers, including Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) -
Uses of TransducerEvaluator in cc.mallet.fst
Subclasses of TransducerEvaluator in cc.mallet.fst Modifier and Type Class Description class
Saves a trained model to specified filename.class
Reports the percentage of instances for which the entire predicted sequence was correct.class
Prints predicted and true label distribution.class
Evaluates a transducer model, computes the precision, recall and F1 scores; considers segments that span across multiple tokens.class
Determines the precision, recall and F1 on a per-class basis.class
Evaluates a transducer model based on predictions of individual tokens.class
Prints the input instances along with the features and the true and predicted labels to a file.Methods in cc.mallet.fst with parameters of type TransducerEvaluator Modifier and Type Method Description TransducerTrainer
TransducerTrainer. addEvaluator(TransducerEvaluator te)
CRF. evaluate(TransducerEvaluator eval, InstanceList testing)
TransducerTrainer. removeEvaluator(TransducerEvaluator te)
static void
SimpleTagger. test(TransducerTrainer tt, TransducerEvaluator eval, InstanceList testing)
Test a transducer on the given test data, evaluating accuracy with the given evaluatorboolean
HMM. train(InstanceList ilist, InstanceList validation, InstanceList testing, TransducerEvaluator eval)
MEMMTrainer. train(InstanceList training, InstanceList validation, InstanceList testing, TransducerEvaluator eval, int numIterations, int numIterationsPerProportion, double[] trainingProportions)
Not implemented yet.static CRF
SimpleTagger. train(InstanceList training, InstanceList testing, TransducerEvaluator eval, int[] orders, java.lang.String defaultLabel, java.lang.String forbidden, java.lang.String allowed, boolean connected, int iterations, double var, CRF crf)
Create and train a CRF model from the given training data, optionally testing it on the given test data.boolean
CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood. trainWithFeatureInduction(InstanceList trainingData, InstanceList validationData, InstanceList testingData, TransducerEvaluator eval, int numIterations, int numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions, int numFeatureInductions, int numFeaturesPerFeatureInduction, double trueLabelProbThreshold, boolean clusteredFeatureInduction, double[] trainingProportions)
CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood. trainWithFeatureInduction(InstanceList trainingData, InstanceList validationData, InstanceList testingData, TransducerEvaluator eval, int numIterations, int numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions, int numFeatureInductions, int numFeaturesPerFeatureInduction, double trueLabelProbThreshold, boolean clusteredFeatureInduction, double[] trainingProportions, java.lang.String gainName)
Train a CRF using feature induction to generate conjunctions of features.boolean
MEMMTrainer. trainWithFeatureInduction(InstanceList trainingData, InstanceList validationData, InstanceList testingData, TransducerEvaluator eval, int numIterations, int numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions, int numFeatureInductions, int numFeaturesPerFeatureInduction, double trueLabelProbThreshold, boolean clusteredFeatureInduction, double[] trainingProportions, java.lang.String gainName)
Not implemented yet.Method parameters in cc.mallet.fst with type arguments of type TransducerEvaluator Modifier and Type Method Description TransducerTrainer
TransducerTrainer. addEvaluators(java.util.Collection<TransducerEvaluator> tes)
Uses of TransducerEvaluator in
Methods in with parameters of type TransducerEvaluator Modifier and Type Method Description static void
SimpleTaggerWithConstraints. test(TransducerTrainer tt, TransducerEvaluator eval, InstanceList testing)
Test a transducer on the given test data, evaluating accuracy with the given evaluatorstatic CRF
SimpleTaggerWithConstraints. trainGE(InstanceList training, InstanceList testing, java.util.ArrayList<GEConstraint> constraints, CRF crf, TransducerEvaluator eval, int iterations, double var, int resets)
Create and train a CRF model from the given training data, optionally testing it on the given test data.static CRF
SimpleTaggerWithConstraints. trainPR(InstanceList training, InstanceList testing, java.util.ArrayList<PRConstraint> constraints, CRF crf, TransducerEvaluator eval, int iterations, double var)
Create and train a CRF model from the given training data, optionally testing it on the given test data.