Interface PRConstraint

    • Method Detail

      • numDimensions

        int numDimensions()
      • getScore

        double getScore​(FeatureVector input,
                        int inputPosition,
                        int srcIndex,
                        int destIndex,
                        double[] parameters)
      • incrementExpectations

        void incrementExpectations​(FeatureVector input,
                                   int inputPosition,
                                   int srcIndex,
                                   int destIndex,
                                   double prob)
      • getAuxiliaryValueContribution

        double getAuxiliaryValueContribution​(double[] parameters)
      • getCompleteValueContribution

        double getCompleteValueContribution​(double[] parameters)
      • getGradient

        void getGradient​(double[] parameters,
                         double[] gradient)
      • setStateLabelMap

        void setStateLabelMap​(StateLabelMap map)
        Sets that map between the state indices and label indices.
        map - StateLabelMap
      • zeroExpectations

        void zeroExpectations()
        Zero expectation values. Called before re-computing gradient.
      • preProcess

        java.util.BitSet preProcess​(InstanceList data)
        data - Unlabeled data
        Returns a bitset of the size of the data, with the bit set if a constraint feature fires in that instance.
      • preProcess

        void preProcess​(FeatureVector input)
        Gives the constraint the option to do some caching using only the FeatureVector. For example, the constrained input features could be cached.
        input - FeatureVector input
      • copy

        PRConstraint copy()
        This is used in multi-threading.
        A copy of the GEConstraint.
      • getExpectations

        void getExpectations​(double[] expectations)
      • addExpectations

        void addExpectations​(double[] expectations)