Class Dirichlet

  • public class Dirichlet
    extends java.lang.Object
    Various useful functions related to Dirichlet distributions.
    Andrew McCallum and David Mimno
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Dirichlet​(double[] p)
      A dirichlet parameterized with a single vector of positive reals
      Dirichlet​(double[] alphas, Alphabet dict)
      Constructor that takes an alphabet representing the meaning of each dimension
      Dirichlet​(double m, double[] p)
      A dirichlet parameterized by a distribution and a magnitude
      Dirichlet​(int size)
      A symmetric Dirichlet with alpha_i = 1.0 and size dimensions
      Dirichlet​(int size, double alpha)
      A symmetric dirichlet: E(X_i) = E(X_j) for all i, j
      Dirichlet​(Alphabet dict)
      A symmetric Dirichlet with alpha_i = 1.0 and the number of dimensions of the given alphabet.
      Dirichlet​(Alphabet dict, double alpha)
      A symmetric Dirichlet with alpha_i = alpha and the number of dimensions of the given alphabet.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double absoluteDifference​(Dirichlet other)
      Compute the L1 residual between two dirichlets
      double alpha​(int featureIndex)  
      void checkBreakeven​(double x)  
      static java.lang.String compare​(double sum, int k, int n, int w)  
      static double digamma​(double z)
      Calculate digamma using an asymptotic expansion involving Bernoulli numbers.
      static double digammaDifference​(double x, int n)  
      double dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio​(int[] countsX, int[] countsY)
      This version uses a non-symmetric Dirichlet prior
      static double dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio​(int[] countsX, int[] countsY, double alpha, double alphaSum)
      What is the probability that these two observations were drawn from the same multinomial with symmetric Dirichlet prior alpha, relative to the probability that they were drawn from different multinomials both drawn from this Dirichlet?
      static double dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio​(com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntIntHashMap countsX, com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntIntHashMap countsY, double alpha, double alphaSum)
      What is the probability that these two observations were drawn from the same multinomial with symmetric Dirichlet prior alpha, relative to the probability that they were drawn from different multinomials both drawn from this Dirichlet?
      static java.lang.String distributionToString​(double magnitude, double[] distribution)
      Create a printable list of alpha_i parameters
      int[] drawObservation​(int n)
      Dirichlet-multinomial: draw a distribution from the dirichlet, then draw n samples from that multinomial.
      int[] drawObservation​(int n, double[] distribution)
      Draw a count vector from the probability distribution provided.
      java.lang.Object[] drawObservations​(int d, int n)
      Create a set of d draws from a dirichlet-multinomial, each with an average of n observations.
      static double ewensLikelihoodRatio​(int[] countsX, int[] countsY, double lambda)
      Similar to the Dirichlet-multinomial test,s this is a likelihood ratio based on the Ewens Sampling Formula, which can be considered the distribution of partitions of integers generated by the Chinese restaurant process.
      Alphabet getAlphabet()  
      static double learnParameters​(double[] parameters, int[][] observations, int[] observationLengths)
      Learn Dirichlet parameters using frequency histograms described by Hanna Wallach in "Structured Topic Models for Language" (2008), section 2.4 Method 1: Using the Digamma Recurrence Relation (pp.
      static double learnParameters​(double[] parameters, int[][] observations, int[] observationLengths, double shape, double scale, int numIterations)
      Learn Dirichlet parameters using frequency histograms described by Hanna Wallach in "Structured Topic Models for Language", section 2.4 Method 1: Using the Digamma Recurrence Relation (pp.
      long learnParametersWithDigamma​(int[][] binCounts, int[] observationLengths)  
      long learnParametersWithDigamma​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
      Use the fixed point iteration described by Tom Minka.
      long learnParametersWithHistogram​(int[][] binCountHistograms, int[] lengthHistogram)  
      long learnParametersWithHistogram​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
      Use the fixed point iteration described by Tom Minka.
      long learnParametersWithLeaveOneOut​(int[][] binCounts, int[] observationLengths)
      Learn parameters using Minka's Leave-One-Out (LOO) likelihood
      long learnParametersWithLeaveOneOut​(java.lang.Object[] observations)  
      long learnParametersWithMoments​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
      Estimate a dirichlet with the moment matching method described by Ronning.
      static double learnSymmetricConcentration​(int[] countHistogram, int[] observationLengths, int numDimensions, double currentValue)
      Learn the concentration parameter of a symmetric Dirichlet using frequency histograms.
      static double logGamma​(double z)
      Currently aliased to logGammaStirling
      static double logGammaDefinition​(double z)
      This calculates a log gamma function exactly.
      static double logGammaDifference​(double z, int n)
      This directly calculates the difference between two log gamma functions using a recursive formula.
      static double logGammaNemes​(double z)
      Gergo Nemes' approximation
      static double logGammaStirling​(double z)
      Use a fifth order Stirling's approximation.
      static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)  
      double[] nextDistribution()  
      void print()  
      Dirichlet randomDirichlet​(Randoms r, double averageAlpha)  
      FeatureSequence randomFeatureSequence​(Randoms r, int length)  
      FeatureVector randomFeatureVector​(Randoms r, int size)  
      Multinomial randomMultinomial​(Randoms r)  
      protected double[] randomRawMultinomial​(Randoms r)  
      TokenSequence randomTokenSequence​(Randoms r, int length)  
      double[] randomVector​(Randoms r)  
      static void runComparison()  
      int size()  
      double squaredDifference​(Dirichlet other)
      Compute the L2 residual between two dirichlets
      static void testSymmetricConcentration​(int numDimensions, int numObservations, int observationMeanLength)  
      void toFile​(java.lang.String filename)
      Write the parameters alpha_i to the specified file, one per line
      static double trigamma​(double z)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(double m,
                         double[] p)
        A dirichlet parameterized by a distribution and a magnitude
        m - The magnitude of the Dirichlet: sum_i alpha_i
        p - A probability distribution: p_i = alpha_i / m
      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(double[] p)
        A dirichlet parameterized with a single vector of positive reals
      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(double[] alphas,
                         Alphabet dict)
        Constructor that takes an alphabet representing the meaning of each dimension
      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(Alphabet dict)
        A symmetric Dirichlet with alpha_i = 1.0 and the number of dimensions of the given alphabet.
      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(Alphabet dict,
                         double alpha)
        A symmetric Dirichlet with alpha_i = alpha and the number of dimensions of the given alphabet.
      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(int size)
        A symmetric Dirichlet with alpha_i = 1.0 and size dimensions
      • Dirichlet

        public Dirichlet​(int size,
                         double alpha)
        A symmetric dirichlet: E(X_i) = E(X_j) for all i, j
        n - The number of dimensions
        alpha - The parameter for each dimension
    • Method Detail

      • nextDistribution

        public double[] nextDistribution()
      • distributionToString

        public static java.lang.String distributionToString​(double magnitude,
                                                            double[] distribution)
        Create a printable list of alpha_i parameters
      • toFile

        public void toFile​(java.lang.String filename)
        Write the parameters alpha_i to the specified file, one per line
      • drawObservation

        public int[] drawObservation​(int n)
        Dirichlet-multinomial: draw a distribution from the dirichlet, then draw n samples from that multinomial.
      • drawObservation

        public int[] drawObservation​(int n,
                                     double[] distribution)
        Draw a count vector from the probability distribution provided.
        n - The expected total number of counts in the returned vector. The actual number is ~ Poisson(n)
      • drawObservations

        public java.lang.Object[] drawObservations​(int d,
                                                   int n)
        Create a set of d draws from a dirichlet-multinomial, each with an average of n observations.
      • logGammaDefinition

        public static double logGammaDefinition​(double z)
        This calculates a log gamma function exactly. It's extremely inefficient -- use this for comparison only.
      • logGammaDifference

        public static double logGammaDifference​(double z,
                                                int n)
        This directly calculates the difference between two log gamma functions using a recursive formula. The break-even with the Stirling approximation is about n=2, so it's not necessarily worth using this.
      • logGamma

        public static double logGamma​(double z)
        Currently aliased to logGammaStirling
      • logGammaStirling

        public static double logGammaStirling​(double z)
        Use a fifth order Stirling's approximation.
        z - Note that Stirling's approximation is increasingly unstable as z approaches 0. If z is less than 2, we shift it up, calculate the approximation, and then shift the answer back down.
      • logGammaNemes

        public static double logGammaNemes​(double z)
        Gergo Nemes' approximation
      • digamma

        public static double digamma​(double z)
        Calculate digamma using an asymptotic expansion involving Bernoulli numbers.
      • digammaDifference

        public static double digammaDifference​(double x,
                                               int n)
      • trigamma

        public static double trigamma​(double z)
      • learnSymmetricConcentration

        public static double learnSymmetricConcentration​(int[] countHistogram,
                                                         int[] observationLengths,
                                                         int numDimensions,
                                                         double currentValue)
        Learn the concentration parameter of a symmetric Dirichlet using frequency histograms. Since all parameters are the same, we only need to keep track of the number of observation/dimension pairs with count N
        countHistogram - An array of frequencies. If the matrix X represents observations such that xdt is how many times word t occurs in document d, countHistogram[3] is the total number of cells in any column that equal 3.
        observationLengths - A histogram of sample lengths, for example observationLengths[20] could be the number of documents that are exactly 20 tokens long.
        numDimensions - The total number of dimensions.
        currentValue - An initial starting value.
      • testSymmetricConcentration

        public static void testSymmetricConcentration​(int numDimensions,
                                                      int numObservations,
                                                      int observationMeanLength)
      • learnParameters

        public static double learnParameters​(double[] parameters,
                                             int[][] observations,
                                             int[] observationLengths)
        Learn Dirichlet parameters using frequency histograms described by Hanna Wallach in "Structured Topic Models for Language" (2008), section 2.4 Method 1: Using the Digamma Recurrence Relation (pp. 27-28)
        parameters - A reference to the current values of the parameters, which will be updated in place
        observations - An array of count histograms. observations[10][3] could be the number of documents that contain exactly 3 tokens of word type 10.
        observationLengths - A histogram of sample lengths, for example observationLengths[20] could be the number of documents that are exactly 20 tokens long.
      • learnParameters

        public static double learnParameters​(double[] parameters,
                                             int[][] observations,
                                             int[] observationLengths,
                                             double shape,
                                             double scale,
                                             int numIterations)
        Learn Dirichlet parameters using frequency histograms described by Hanna Wallach in "Structured Topic Models for Language", section 2.4 Method 1: Using the Digamma Recurrence Relation (pp. 27-28) and gamma hyperpriors (section 2.5, pp. 37-39)
        parameters - A reference to the current values of the parameters, which will be updated in place
        observations - An array of count histograms. observations[10][3] could be the number of documents that contain exactly 3 tokens of word type 10.
        observationLengths - A histogram of sample lengths, for example observationLengths[20] could be the number of documents that are exactly 20 tokens long.
        shape - Gamma prior E(X) = shape * scale, var(X) = shape * scale2
        scale -
        numIterations - 200 to 1000 generally insures convergence, but 1-5 is often enough to step in the right direction
      • learnParametersWithHistogram

        public long learnParametersWithHistogram​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
        Use the fixed point iteration described by Tom Minka.
      • learnParametersWithHistogram

        public long learnParametersWithHistogram​(int[][] binCountHistograms,
                                                 int[] lengthHistogram)
      • learnParametersWithDigamma

        public long learnParametersWithDigamma​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
        Use the fixed point iteration described by Tom Minka.
      • learnParametersWithDigamma

        public long learnParametersWithDigamma​(int[][] binCounts,
                                               int[] observationLengths)
      • learnParametersWithMoments

        public long learnParametersWithMoments​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
        Estimate a dirichlet with the moment matching method described by Ronning.
      • learnParametersWithLeaveOneOut

        public long learnParametersWithLeaveOneOut​(java.lang.Object[] observations)
      • learnParametersWithLeaveOneOut

        public long learnParametersWithLeaveOneOut​(int[][] binCounts,
                                                   int[] observationLengths)
        Learn parameters using Minka's Leave-One-Out (LOO) likelihood
      • absoluteDifference

        public double absoluteDifference​(Dirichlet other)
        Compute the L1 residual between two dirichlets
      • squaredDifference

        public double squaredDifference​(Dirichlet other)
        Compute the L2 residual between two dirichlets
      • checkBreakeven

        public void checkBreakeven​(double x)
      • compare

        public static java.lang.String compare​(double sum,
                                               int k,
                                               int n,
                                               int w)
      • dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio

        public static double dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio​(com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntIntHashMap countsX,
                                                                 com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntIntHashMap countsY,
                                                                 double alpha,
                                                                 double alphaSum)
        What is the probability that these two observations were drawn from the same multinomial with symmetric Dirichlet prior alpha, relative to the probability that they were drawn from different multinomials both drawn from this Dirichlet?
      • dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio

        public static double dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio​(int[] countsX,
                                                                 int[] countsY,
                                                                 double alpha,
                                                                 double alphaSum)
        What is the probability that these two observations were drawn from the same multinomial with symmetric Dirichlet prior alpha, relative to the probability that they were drawn from different multinomials both drawn from this Dirichlet?
      • dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio

        public double dirichletMultinomialLikelihoodRatio​(int[] countsX,
                                                          int[] countsY)
        This version uses a non-symmetric Dirichlet prior
      • ewensLikelihoodRatio

        public static double ewensLikelihoodRatio​(int[] countsX,
                                                  int[] countsY,
                                                  double lambda)
        Similar to the Dirichlet-multinomial test,s this is a likelihood ratio based on the Ewens Sampling Formula, which can be considered the distribution of partitions of integers generated by the Chinese restaurant process.
      • runComparison

        public static void runComparison()
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
      • getAlphabet

        public Alphabet getAlphabet()
      • size

        public int size()
      • alpha

        public double alpha​(int featureIndex)
      • print

        public void print()
      • randomRawMultinomial

        protected double[] randomRawMultinomial​(Randoms r)
      • randomDirichlet

        public Dirichlet randomDirichlet​(Randoms r,
                                         double averageAlpha)
      • randomVector

        public double[] randomVector​(Randoms r)