Class OffsetFeatureConjunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OffsetFeatureConjunction
    extends Pipe
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OffsetFeatureConjunction

        public OffsetFeatureConjunction​(java.lang.String thisFeatureName,
                                        java.lang.String[] featureNames,
                                        int[] offsets,
                                        boolean[] isNonNegated,
                                        boolean tagAllTimesteps)
        Create a Pipe for adding conjunctions of specified features.
        thisFeatureName - Name of this conjunction feature.
        featureNames - String giving name for each subfeature i.
        offsets - For each subfeature i, which offset from the current timestep must i appear at.
        isNonNegated - If element i is false, then the negation of the feature is added to the conjuction.
      • OffsetFeatureConjunction

        public OffsetFeatureConjunction​(java.lang.String thisFeatureName,
                                        java.lang.String[] featureNames,
                                        int[] offsets,
                                        boolean tagAllTimesteps)
      • OffsetFeatureConjunction

        public OffsetFeatureConjunction​(java.lang.String thisFeatureName,
                                        java.lang.String[] featureNames,
                                        int[] offsets)
    • Method Detail

      • isTagAllTimesteps

        public boolean isTagAllTimesteps()
      • getFeatureName

        public java.lang.String getFeatureName()
      • getFeaturePatterns

        public java.util.regex.Pattern[] getFeaturePatterns()
      • getOffsets

        public int[] getOffsets()
      • getNonNegated

        public boolean[] getNonNegated()
      • pipe

        public Instance pipe​(Instance carrier)
        Description copied from class: Pipe
        Really this should be 'protected', but isn't for historical reasons.
        pipe in class Pipe