Class FeaturesInWindow

    • Constructor Detail

      • FeaturesInWindow

        public FeaturesInWindow​(java.lang.String namePrefix,
                                int leftBoundaryOffset,
                                int rightBoundaryOffset,
                                java.util.regex.Pattern featureRegex,
                                boolean includeBeginEndBoundaries)
        namePrefix - what to prepend to feature names
        leftBoundaryOffset - left boundary of the window (e.g. -1 means include the previous word
        rightBoundaryOffset - right boundary for this window (e.g. 1 means include the current position, but not the next
        featureRegex - add only for features matching this (null = always match
        includeBeginEndBoundaries - ignored
      • FeaturesInWindow

        public FeaturesInWindow​(java.lang.String namePrefix,
                                int leftBoundaryOffset,
                                int rightBoundaryOffset)
        equivalent to
        FeaturesInWindow((namePrefix, leftBoundaryOffset, rightBoundaryOffset, null, true);
    • Method Detail

      • pipe

        public Instance pipe​(Instance carrier)
        Description copied from class: Pipe
        Really this should be 'protected', but isn't for historical reasons.
        pipe in class Pipe