Package cc.mallet.fst

Class SumLatticeBeam.Factory

    • Constructor Detail

      • Factory

        public Factory​(int beamWidth)
    • Method Detail

      • newSumLattice

        public SumLattice newSumLattice​(Transducer trans,
                                        Sequence input,
                                        Sequence output,
                                        Transducer.Incrementor incrementor,
                                        boolean saveXis,
                                        LabelAlphabet outputAlphabet)
        Description copied from class: SumLatticeFactory
        Returns a SumLattice object to run forward-backward.
        Specified by:
        newSumLattice in class SumLatticeFactory
        trans - Transducer model
        input - Input sequence
        output - If output is null then the forward-backward is not constrained to match the output
        incrementor - If null then do not update the weights
        saveXis - If true then save the transition weights as well
        outputAlphabet - If outputAlphabet is non-null, this will create a LabelVector for each position in the output sequence indicating the probability distribution over possible outputs at that time index.