Class RankMaxEntTrainer

    • Constructor Detail

      • RankMaxEntTrainer

        public RankMaxEntTrainer()
      • RankMaxEntTrainer

        public RankMaxEntTrainer​(double gaussianPriorVariance)
        Constructs a trainer with a parameter to avoid overtraining. 1.0 is usually a reasonable default value.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()

        Like the other version of trainWithFeatureInduction, but allows some default options to be changed.

        toString in class MaxEntTrainer
        maxent - An initial partially-trained classifier (default null). This classifier may be modified during training.
        gainName - The estimate of gain (log-likelihood increase) we want our chosen features to maximize. Should be one of MaxEntTrainer.EXP_GAIN, MaxEntTrainer.GRADIENT_GAIN, or MaxEntTrainer.INFORMATION_GAIN (default EXP_GAIN).
        The trained MaxEnt classifier