Class ConstrainedViterbiTransducerCorrector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConstrainedViterbiTransducerCorrector
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements TransducerCorrector
    Corrects a subset of the Segments produced by a Transducer. It's most useful to find the Segments that the Transducer is least confident in and correct those using the true Labeling (correctLeastConfidenceSegments). The corrected segment then propagates to other labelings in the sequence using "constrained viterbi" -- a viterbi calculation that requires the path to pass through the corrected segment states.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstrainedViterbiTransducerCorrector

        public ConstrainedViterbiTransducerCorrector​(Transducer model)
    • Method Detail

      • getSegmentConfidences

        public java.util.Vector getSegmentConfidences()
      • getLeastConfidentSegments

        public java.util.ArrayList getLeastConfidentSegments()
        Returns the least confident segments from each sequence in the previous call to correctLeastConfidentSegments
      • getLeastConfidentSegments

        public java.util.ArrayList getLeastConfidentSegments​(InstanceList ilist,
                                                             java.lang.Object[] startTags,
                                                             java.lang.Object[] continueTags)
        Returns the least confident segments in ilist
        ilist - test instances
        startTags - indicate the beginning of segments
        continueTages - indicate "inside" of segments
        list of Segments, one for each instance, that is least confident
      • correctLeastConfidentSegments

        public java.util.ArrayList correctLeastConfidentSegments​(InstanceList ilist,
                                                                 java.lang.Object[] startTags,
                                                                 java.lang.Object[] continueTags,
                                                                 boolean findIncorrect)
        Returns an ArrayList of corrected Sequences. Also stores leastConfidentSegments, an ArrayList of the segments to correct, where null entries mean no segment was corrected for that sequence.
        ilist - test instances
        startTags - indicate the beginning of segments
        continueTages - indicate "inside" of segments
        findIncorrect - true if we should cycle through least confident segments until find an incorrect one
        list of Sequences corresponding to the corrected tagging of each instance in ilist