Interface Tokenization

    • Method Detail

      • getDocument

        java.lang.Object getDocument()
        Returns the document of which this is a tokenization.
      • getSpan

        Span getSpan​(int i)
      • subspan

        Span subspan​(int start,
                     int end)
        Returns a span formed by concatenating the spans from start to end. In more detail:
        • The start of the new span will be the start index of getSpan(start).
        • The end of the new span will be the start index of getSpan(end).
        • Unless start == end, the new span will completely include getSpan(start).
        • The new span will never intersect getSpan(end)
        • If start == end, then the new span contains no text.
        start - The index of the first token in the new span (inclusive). This is an index of a token, *not* an index into the document.
        end - The index of the first token in the new span (exclusive). This is an index of a token, *not* an index into the document.
        A span into this tokenization's document