Calo2Classify |
Classify documents, run trials, print statistics from a vector file.
Classifier2Info |
Diagnostic facilities for a classifier.
Csv2Classify |
Command line tool for classifying a sequence of
instances directly from text input, without
creating an instance list.
Csv2Vectors |
Command line import tool for loading a sequence of
instances from a single file, with one instance
per line of the input file.
MultFileToSequences |
SvmLight2Classify |
Command line tool for classifying a sequence of instances directly from text
input, without creating an instance list.
SvmLight2Vectors |
Command line import tool for loading a sequence of
instances from an SVMLight feature-value pair file, with one instance
per line of the input file.
Text2Classify |
Command line tool for classifying a sequence of
instances directly from text input, without
creating an instance list.
Text2Vectors |
Convert document files into vectors (a persistent instance list).
Vectors2Classify |
Classify documents, run trials, print statistics from a vector file.
Vectors2FeatureConstraints |
Create "feature constraints" from data for use in GE training.
Vectors2Info |
Diagnostic facilities for a vector file.
Vectors2Vectors |
A command-line tool for manipulating InstanceLists.